Friday, May 20, 2011

Harold Camping May 21 Rapture

Who is Harold Camping?
A U.S. evangelical broadcaster, a civil engineer who ran his own construction business before turning to evangelism, predicts that Judgment Day will come on Saturday - May 21, expecting to stay close to a TV or radio station to monitor the unfolding events in his so called - "apocalypse".
Who would forget Harold Camping, 89, who previously made a failed prediction that Jesus Christ would return to Earth in the year 1994? Barely 17 years ago. This year, Camping says he is sure that an earthquake will shake the Earth on Saturday, sweeping true believers to heaven and leaving others (unbelievers) behind to be engulfed in the world's destruction over a few months, and unto the lake of fire.

No Doubt at All
For him, "without any shadow of a doubt this thing is going to happen," said Camping. For his supporters, they have posted around 2,200 billboards around the United States regarding the coming apocalypse, and about dozens of followers are driving across the country to spread the news.
He even had volunteers handing out pamphlets and warning about May 21 as far as the Philippines, telling people that God had left clear signs that the world was coming to an end.

1994 vs. May 21st Predictions?
Like his last failed prediction, Camping's doomsday date is also based on his reading of the Bible and a so-called timeline dating back to ancient events including the time of Noah's Ark.

Impact to many Christians
To many, Christians, believers or unbelievers alike, Camping's pronouncement of a specific date for the apocalypse puts him outside the Christian mainstream.
But his contention that the souls of believers will leave their bodies and enter heaven in a rapture is a well known doctrine within many Christian churches today.

My Point of View
Let just wait and see whether his predictions would unfold, or his predictions would again be a failure, for me, what's truly important is, we should learn from our mistakes, for if we failed to do so, history would truly repeats itself - as what happened in the time of Noah, only eight survived the great flood.


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